Tag Archives: crying

Waiting is happening

Some days when I look at my love life, I just feel like crying. Everyone says wait, it’s worth it. But they’re also the ones who have been on multiple dates and have had 3+ boyfriends/girlfriends in their life. They’re also not really shy or geeky or have a lack thereof of not shy friends.

It’s easy to dismiss this as “it just takes time.” But when that time has been happening for a while, taking time sounds more like “it’s not for you.” Which makes me want to cry. You can’t tell people who are shy that eventually it’ll all work out because eventually is something that seems so far off. The waiting is happening now. And has been for years.

So what makes it okay to say these things? The fact that they waited? The fact that they dated constantly? The fact that meeting new guys who are interested in them is easy? Maybe. And that’s good for them. Makes me jealous, but it is good for them. I just wish it would stop making me feel like I’m so far behind and not good enough for dating.
